How Mark Hanrahan Encourages Overcoming Life Events in a Healthy Way

How Busy Professionals Like Mark Hanrahan Can Still Take Time to Live a Healthy Life, Both Physically and Mentally

Life never goes how we expect it to, which is part of why it’s so gratifying. But sometimes, it can give us challenges that are far beyond our comprehension. We can end up feeling like there’s no feasible way out of the challenges we’re facing. While our problems are rarely going to fix themselves, we have the power to find solutions. This is how to overcome life events in a healthy way with help from Mark Hanrahan.

Change your routine

Traumatic life events can be easier to deal with when we’re not being constantly reminded of them. If your daily routine isn’t changing, you might not be able to shake off your negative feelings. Look for any adjustments that you can make, from eating a different breakfast to taking a different route to work. These are changes that are easy to make and which will provide a much-needed distraction. When you change your routine, you can rediscover just how much excitement is in the world.

Find creative outlets

When going through a period of stress, you’ll want to find ways to unwind that have actual mental benefits, such as meditation or exercise. Man playing guitar outsideAccording to Mark Hanrahan, founder and co-owner of Markmel Co., located in Urbandale, Iowa, creative pursuits can help you deal with troublesome situations. Turning to writing, painting, music or another creative outlet allows you to purge your frustrations by turning them into art. The intensity of what you’re feeling on the inside can be quelled by channeling it in an artistic medium. It doesn’t need to be something that you share or that contains any solutions. You can create for the sake of creating and find that satisfying by itself.

Focus on solutions

Almost every problem you have has a solution. It might be hard for you to believe, but it’s true. There might be solutions that you’re already aware of, but you’re avoiding them. Is it because you’re worried about them not working for you, or because you’d have to make a few sacrifices in order for the solutions to be effective? When you have a problem for long enough, you can start to form an unhealthy attachment to it. You might believe that having this problem is a part of you, and there’s nothing you can do to change it. Snap out of this mindset and look for any solutions you can.

Ask for help

You didn’t get where you are now on your own. It took all kinds of guidance from others for you to figure things out. You learned to walk and read thanks to others. The idea that you can’t ask for help as an adult is completely misguided, and you need to get it out of your mind. Asking others for help doesn’t make you weak. It shows how strong you are because you’re not letting pride get the best of you. Talk to your friends and family about what you’re going through. They might know that you’ve been having a rough time, but they might not know just how much pain you’re experiencing. You could also talk to a life coach or a psychotherapist to help you find strategies to cope with intense events.

Overcoming life events in a healthy way means learning proper coping mechanisms and using analytical skills to determine the best way out of this situation. As much as you might want to force your way out of negative feelings, you can find solace in how much they’ve inspired you to make a change. When you find your way out of the darkness, you find your way into salvation. Mark Hanrahan is here to help you through whatever challenges you’re facing.

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