Dr. Schlomo Schmuel on When You Should Consider Seeing A Podiatrist

Rarely do people think about the health of their feet. In fact, most people will prefer not to see a doctor even if they have a problem with their feet unless it is a major problem affecting their mobility. That is a big mistake because a small problem can build up into a major health risk. It is possible to have normal foot discomfort, but when the discomfort becomes constant, it is not normal anymore. Therefore, if you have any issue such as pain, injury or skin problem with your foot or ankle, you should not hesitate to seek medical attention from a podiatrist. 

A podiatrist is a medical professional who focuses on treating most symptoms involving the foot, ankle or any other connecting part of your leg. So, who should see a podiatrist or when should you visit a podiatrist? Here are some of the reasons or symptoms that require you to seek podiatrist’s attention. 

1. Fungus on Nails

Nail infections, most commonly found as fungal infections, have become very common with the increasing use of cosmetic products on toenails. While nail products will make your finger and toe nails look beautiful, some might bring more harm than good and sometimes the impact will be different from one person to another. If in your case you are unfortunate and develop an infection, whether from the nail salon or any other source, see a podiatrist for proper treatment. You will know you are infected when your nails become thick or start discoloring. 

2. Numbness, Swelling or Pain

If your feet suddenly becomes sore, do not overlook it, because this is likely not normal. It may be normal only if you have been standing for long hours or have been involved in extreme physical activity such as completing a long race. If you also suddenly feel numb or pain without any known reason, this could be the beginning of a major issue, and it is time you see a podiatrist for professional diagnosis and eventual treatment. 

3. Bunions

A bunion is a bump that tends to develop on toe joints, especially the big toe, and can be very painful and uncomfortable when wearing closed shoes. Do not wait for it to grow big, because it will be more painful and more difficult to treat. Look for a podiatrist who will diagnose its causes and treat it accordingly. 

4. If You Get An Injury

During the course of regular activity it is very easy to have an ankle injury. Dr. Schlomo Schmuel, who is a successful podiatrist in Los Angeles says that you should see a physician immediately to avoid major complications with your feet. You may injure your foot during your daily activities, and if left untreated may lead to much worse damage. While an orthopedist is good in treating broken bones, a podiatrist is more experienced when it comes to treating long term complications.

5. Pain on Your Heels

If your heels hurt continuously, you should seek medical attention because you may never know where the pain is coming from. Never rely on pain relievers when a problem is consistent. A podiatrist will take x-rays and perform the necessary exams to not only treat pain but also its source for a permanent solution.

6. Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail may easily lead to an infection, and while most people prefer removing it themselves or visit a nail salon, it can be a very painful procedure. In this case, it is safer and less painful if you consider seeking the help of a professional. A podiatrist will detect any infection or other problem leading to the ingrown toenail and therefore treat you in the most effective way possible.

7. If You Have Diabetes

Most people suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at high risk of encountering foot problems such as infections, poor blood circulation and nerve damage among others. According to Dr. Schlomo Schmuel, an experienced podiatrist in Los Angeles, California, every diabetic person should visit a podiatrist regularly for foot examinations to prevent major problems. These should happen about once a year.

8. Corns or Calluses

Most people get corns from wearing shoes that are not the right size. It appears as a thickened dead skin, and it can occur on any toe. When this skin becomes too thick, it can become painful, which is the reason why you need to see a podiatrist to not only remove them but also recommend a treatment plan to cure them.

We all depend on the health of our feet for mobility, and that’s why you should pay more attention to your foot health than ever before.

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